Spiritual Teacher & Coach for Moms

How To Get “Unstuck” And

Find Your Path to Total Clarity


  1. You have the power to manifest and bring anything into your life that you desire. 
  2. You have the strength to make changes in your beliefs, habits, routines, and mindset. 
  3. You have the ability to feel peace, joy, and fulfillment every single day. 

Now, maybe you’re thinking, “But how?”

I know you may feel like you’ve been stuck for so long, or this void has encapsulated you so deeply that you’re not even sure what needs to be done at this point.

Maybe you’ve already tried meditation, therapy, yoga, a different diet, talking it out, or goal-setting workshops, and still, you feel stuck. 

The truth is that clarity often comes to us as we work on a deeper level within ourselves - a work that isn’t as mainstream or talked about as often. 

Your clarity and purpose are waiting to be discovered on the other side of that work. 

I know this because it’s how my clients go from lost and yearning for more, to abundant, joyful and fulfilled.

The women I work with discover clarity and guided purpose. They cultivate courageous thinking and learn to use their intuition to take inspired action and manifest their dream life. They embody a calm and peace they never thought possible.

Imagine waking up every day feeling joyful, fulfilled, and unstoppable. 


Imagine the self-doubt, worry, and fear you’ve held on to for so long, finally being erased from your life. 

Imagine you have the power to create anything you desire, and the

universe is on your side.

This is what I want for you, and this is what the universe wants for you too. 

All you need to do is take the first step…



Hi, I am Jody Agard

Your Self-Care Coach


The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).

What Students & Clients Are Saying About Working with Jody...

 I was not happy with my career- it was just a job that I was dragging myself through the day and did not bring me a sense of fulfillment. 

Outside of work, I was looking for joy in my life. Each day I was going through the motions of being a working mom but didn't have a sense of purpose. I was looking for that "spark" and wasn't sure how to even begin to find it. I knew there was more for me though. I knew I did not want- could not- continue on with the energy being drained out of me each day. I felt a pull that I was ready to bring more to my life and find what I was truly meant to do. Each session brought a sense of clarity, direction, introspection, discovery. There were sessions that I wasn't sure which path I wanted to take and I gained clarity. There were sessions in times of stress when I felt all was crumbling around me and I gained perspective. There were sessions when I was bursting with excitement because dreams I never knew I had, were coming true, and I was able to build on those and create even more. I found myself again. I didn't realize how far I had strayed from my real self (perhaps there were parts of me that I never truly knew). It was an incredible experience looking at every part of me, understanding who I really am, what I stand for and why. The best gift I received was regaining my worth

Because of my work with Jody, I realigned myself with my true values and beliefs. Once that happened, the dreams started flowing and I got my ""spark""! 

I realized I was blocking myself from receiving new opportunities. I was able to not only pinpoint what direction I wanted to take my career, but create INCREDIBLE new experiences that are completely fulfilling! I am now working with national and global leaders in my field and I know I am meant to be here in this space, something I never thought was possible." - Kirstin C.

I was feeling lost in my career, wanting to relocate back to California to be near family and friends, and had recently discovered that my husband was having an emotional affair with a coworker. I was inspired by the work that a friend had done with Jody to transform her life and was hoping Jody might help me find purpose and direction. Jody helped me realign with my core values and overcome limiting beliefs in order to manifest the marriage, career and lifestyle I truly desire. She gave me tools and daily practices to better know myself, get clear on my desires, identify and reframe limiting beliefs, and allow my vision to come to life!! Jody has helped me transform my life in more ways than I ever dreamed! I would wholeheartedly recommend Jody to anyone who is feeling lost or misaligned with the life they want to live. - Ally

"Jody has helped me get unstuck from a self-critical life that was making me miserable, slow and depressed. Now I feel happy, alive and like I'm moving forward and living out my true purpose.

Over the last 5 years, I've worked with Jody through friend loss, body issues, my parents' divorce, giving birth to my 4th child, turning 40, and a tough-yet-rewarding healing season in my marriage. While I could've done this all on my own, Jody helped me dial into the work that she knew was apparent and necessary for me to move through these tough situations.

It's made all the difference to have Jody as an anchor when life's storms rocked my boat and often knocked me off.

I am a Christian. I'm not a "woo hoo" type of hippie. Life coaching is not "woo-woo." It's using practices and your own belief system to make your life richer. Jody's teachings have meshed perfectly with my relationship with the Lord. My prayer life and working with Jody complement each other; they are not in competition. 

Working with Jody has helped me untangle myself from the old stories and rewrite a new life story that is bringing me light, purpose and a feeling of new life. 

The money that I spend on Jody each month is the best value of any expense all month long; my time with her is worth its weight in gold. 

A therapist helps you think about the "why" of the past. Jody helps you look at today and tomorrow. My sessions with Jody feel so much more action- and solution-oriented than the hours I've spent in therapy. After each session, I have homework and different points to implement, and it's empowering.

Jody just "gets it."

I rarely need to explain myself because she's usually been there or intuitively tuning into exactly what I'm saying. It's one of the most comforting feelings you could ever experience. I love that I can come to Jody when I'm going through tough life situations that I need to hash out." - Janie

I was struggling with being a new Mom and balancing being myself. I didn't recognize the woman in the mirror. Jody was there to help me get to a point where I felt fulfilled outside of motherhood. 

When I was let go of a highly visible job, I felt like I not only lost my job, but I'd lost my career and my identity too. I tried to navigate this new world on my own, by working out more and drinking more, but I knew deep down that I needed something more. 

When Jody first told me that she wanted to work with me for a year, I thought it sounded like a little much. That said, she was so right. I had to work through a lot of limiting beliefs about myself in an effort to truly build the life I want and envision. Without her help, I wouldn't have known where to start, let alone any idea on how to get there.

Until I figured out what was underneath my conscious thoughts, there was no way I'd be able to move on and thrive in life. I never would've known that if I hadn't worked with Jody. 

I have so much more confidence after working with Jody. Jody's Intentional Living Program has literally transformed the way I think. It's helped me realize that you can have every single thing you want in life and her guidance each week has helped me understand that in a profound way. - Marissa B.

"I was feeling sad and unfulfilled in life. I felt constant overwhelm. All my dreams had come true, a wonderful husband, 2 beautiful kids, a loving home, yet something was still lacking and empty inside me. No amount of self care, spa day or weekend away could fill the void inside me. I was overwhelmed when I became a mom and then 5 years later still felt the same overwhelm with no end in sight.

Within 2 weeks of working with Jody, I uncovered more than I had in 3 years of in person therapy. I have learned what it means to open my heart to love, accept myself and others just as is. I'm striving to be judgement free for my own well being. I am learning how to be the person I know I truly am in my heart. I am not sure where in life I got lost and away from my true beautiful self, but I am worthy and deserve to be there again. As I am on the up and down road of finding ME, I know with confidence I am headed in the right direction. Jody's guidance and teachings have a way of leading me to a place inside myself that I never knew was there, I know I'm supposed to be there because it is warm and fuzzy, and the most natural comforting feeling I have ever felt. There are no words that can describe what she has given me and what she continues to help me find. I am striving to live in the present moment and just be. I am practicing to quiet my mind and allow myself to feel my feelings instead of just "rushing" through them. One thing I remind myself is that I am right where I am supposed to be, there is no other important moment or thing than NOW." - Sara

"Each session with Jody offered more feedback and applicable knowledge than 20 hours of therapy could have done. Before working with Jody, my life was missing something but I couldn't figure out what it was. I was doing all the right things: trying to be the best mom and wife, going to church, working out, trying to take care of myself. From the outside, my life looked perfect, but inside, I knew a piece of the puzzle was missing. It turned out to be how I viewed myself. I would love everyone in my family and all my friends to be able to coach with Jody!"

- Janie P.

"Within two weeks I started sleeping better, feeling better and BEING better!!! I'm a better mom and person since working with Jody!!! Before coaching I was VERY overwhelmed with being a new mom and pregnant a second time in two years. I was an emotional wreck and felt like I was losing myself in every way possible. I had tried therapy before but quickly realized I didn’t need therapy, I needed LIFE COACHING to help me MOVE FORWARD on every life challenge I was faced with. Jody is a wealth of knowledge and is a truly talented life teacher who makes herself very available to you even in between sessions." - Nat M.

"Before starting the Intentional Living Program and working with Jody, I owned a small business. I felt stuck and like I wanted something more but didn't know what it was or how to get there. I spent a long time trying to push aside my feelings and thoughts. Although I was scared at what may be uncovered and of the unknown of the future, I was ready to work with Jody. Through our work together, I uncovered my desire to leave my fitness business and find a career that fights for equity in communities living in poverty. I have felt a pull towards this for a long time, but was afraid to act. Jody helped me to dig deep and grow emotionally and spiritually, and through this I was able to manifest my dreams into a career helping to run a nonprofit to bring about sustainable change to a community living in poverty. I went from an unfulfilled fitness business owner to a Fundraising and Program Manager for a nonprofit whose mission it is to fight for equity in a community living in poverty in Rwanda! It all manifested incredibly fast and I am forever grateful that jody has guided me through this process every step of the way." - Annie M.

Interested in knowing what else I offer? Check out my programs below!











Awaken your spirituality. Raise Your Vibration. Manifest your dreams. Start with ONE FREE session to gain clarity for the direction you want to go, develop a powerful spiritual practice, find more calm within and more...



All classes are recorded and available for later viewing...



Learning to intentionally live and deliberately manifest a life you love can feel complicated. The 1-year Intentional Living Program makes it easy!

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Unlock The Power of Manifesting

I've created a FREE guide. 7 WAYS TO START MANIFESTING TODAY just for you. It will help to manifest your dreams and desires without the complicated overwhelm.

  • Manifesting made simple.
  • Raise your vibe.
  • Feel inspired.

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